Failed Negotiation: A Real example from D&D

Today I want to discuss a failed negotiation that occurred in my Thursday night Dungeons and Dragons group. While the players were roleplaying their characters to the hilt, making some questionable decisions, I thought that there were some real learnings to be gleaned in the art of negotiation.

As Dungeon Master I had set up what I thought was a straight forward in-game negotiation. One that would take up half an hour at best. What transpired was a crazy rollercoaster of demands, ultimatums, alley chases and moral dilemmas. Three hours later and the Party was no closer to achieving their goal.

So what went down and what lessons can we learn?

Keep in mind that this was part of an ongoing campaign with well established characters. The players were heavily leaning into these characters, definitely not looking for the optimal outcome. Even so I think this example shows how you can gain real world leadership learnings through the medium of role playing games.

What Went Down

So as not to bore you I’m going to give you the basic framework of what went down. Ultimately, the player characters (PC) are the leaders of a now influential street gang. They needed the location of a key. The only person with this knowledge was the local Fence “Old Mog”. Go to Mog, find out what she wants, negotiate, get the location, move on. Simple. Or not! Here’s what happened:

  • Start discussions with Mog, fairly confrontational straight out of the gate, thinly veiled threats, posturing etc
  • Mog is open about what she wants (safety, by becoming part of the PCs street gang)
  • Party react aggressively and dive straight into an ultimatum
  • Mog demands a counter offer, as none is forthcoming
  • Counter offer does not take into account what Mog wants
  • Becomes clear that Mog is also negotiating with their arch enemies (shock, disbelief, anger)
  • Tempers flare, more ultimatums and threats are thrown around
  • Negotiations break down and Mog cuts a deal with the enemy
  • PC’s walk away empty handed.

Interestingly it seems like the PC’s treated the negotiation as a competition that ended in frustration and failure. So what could they have done differently? What can we, as learning leaders, gain from this experience.


Firstly, what is BATNA? BATNA is an acronym that stands for Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement. This is what the best outcome would be if no agreement between the two parties can be reached. When entering a negotiation it is important to state what this is amongst your team. Understanding your BATNA gives you the ramifications of not reaching a deal.

Negotiating with a car salesman for example, the BATNA might be having to take public transport over the next week.

In the above D&D example the group didn’t even consider a BATNA to begin with. However, the consequences of not reaching an agreement was they wouldn’t get the location of the key they needed. Pretty straight forward. But not considered.

This meant that there was no strategy or no direction going in.

Understand What the Other Side Wants

The first part of any negotiation should be finding out what the other side of the negotiation wants. Often this may not be obvious at the very beginning. At this point all assumptions should be checked. As they may not be accurate. Once this understanding has been found it’s much easier to start crafting a mutually beneficial solution.

In the D&D negotiation example above, the Party did ask what Mog wanted. They got a response. She wanted to join their organization and feel safe in the area of her home. Unfortunately, this need from Mog was overshadowed by the competitive nature brought out by the act of negotiating. Which neatly leads to my next point.

Becoming overly competitive can lead to a failed negotiation

It’s Not a Competition

A negotiation is not a point scoring contest. It is not about having a winner or a loser. It’s about getting what you need and not agreeing to an outcome worse than your identified BATNA.

The problem can be that the act of negotiating brings out competitiveness in people. I remember an international Chief Sales Officer arguing for hours that in every negotiation there had to be a winner and a loser. He obviously didn’t think very highly of his customers, which is probably why he got fired a few months later. Ego takes over and the actual value of the outcome gets lost.

Back to the game. The Party didn’t define a BATNA, ignored what Mog wanted and went straight into competitive behavior. This included bullying, threats and ultimatums. Who wants to make a deal with people like that? Of course, Mog considered her BATNA and joined the opposition where she would be safe.

The result. A massive fail for our heroes.

Don’t let your ego lead to a failed negotiation. Stay calm and focused. Don’t lose your cool.

Final Thoughts on the Failed Negotiation

Despite the fact that this gaming session wasn’t being run as a Learning-RPG there are definitely some real world learnings to be taken from it.

If I was to run this type of scenario with leadership development in mind I would be tempted to have Mog played by a different person, not by me the DM. I’d give Mog a simple BATNA and guidance on motivations. I could then facilitate rather than be the focus of the players attention.

I would also give a clearer briefing to the players, defining set goals for their team. Lastly, a debrief after the scenario would put everyone’s actions into perspective.

Running the team through multiple negotiation scenarios with increasing levels of hostility and emotion from the opposition would provide an excellent experiential learning experience.

Lots of food for thought. I feel that this example really highlights the potential of using rpgs for experiential leadership learning.

3 Reasons to Harness Roleplaying Games for Red Teaming

In the world of business, the importance of strategic planning and risk mitigation cannot be overstated. To fortify their defenses against potential threats and gain valuable insights into their vulnerabilities, organizations are increasingly turning to red teaming exercises. These simulations, designed to challenge existing security systems and processes, play a crucial role in identifying weaknesses and enhancing preparedness. While traditional red-teaming approaches exist, this post highlights the unique value of incorporating roleplaying games into these exercises. We delve into three key reasons why utilizing roleplaying games can bring immense benefits to businesses seeking to improve their defensive strategies.

Enhanced Realism and Engagement

Roleplaying games (RPGs) provide a level of immersion and realism that surpasses traditional red-teaming methods. Firstly, by adopting a game-like approach, businesses can replicate real-world scenarios and engage participants on multiple levels. Secondly, RPGs offer a dynamic environment where individuals assume specific roles. Allowing representation of adversaries or internal actors, to challenge existing security measures.

There is huge potential in bringing outside “red teams” to take part in the game to give additional realism. Of course, this experiential learning approach encourages participants to think critically, adapt their strategies, and respond to unexpected situations. Additionally, working together against a common enemy can enhance the esprit de corps of the in house blue teams. By blending the elements of storytelling, character development, and problem-solving, RPGs create an engaging platform that mirrors real-life challenges.

Unleashing Creativity and Diverse Perspectives

Red teaming exercises aim to identify blind spots and vulnerabilities that may not be evident through standard assessments. RPGs foster creativity and encourage participants to think outside the box, enabling them to uncover unique perspectives and approaches. In these games, participants are encouraged to embody different roles and personas, including hackers, disgruntled employees, or even corporate spies. By allowing participants to step into the shoes of adversaries, organizations gain valuable insights into potential threats and vulnerabilities from an insider’s perspective. The collaborative and interactive nature of RPGs facilitates the exploration of innovative solutions that may not have been considered through traditional methods.

Red Team participants can roleplay different antagonists enhancing the experience

Training and Skill Development

The application of RPGs in red teaming exercises provides a valuable opportunity for skill development and training. Participants can enhance their problem-solving abilities, critical thinking skills, and strategic planning capabilities by navigating complex scenarios within the game. RPGs also enable individuals to familiarize themselves with the intricacies of cybersecurity, social engineering, and risk management, among other pertinent areas.

Developing Learning-RPG scenarios with opposing red and blue teams can provide a fantastic learning environment. Participants can really get in the shoes of potential antagonists. Importantly, letting them find gaps in their own systems and procedures. Consequently, by practicing in a controlled environment, players can refine their decision-making skills. Making them more adept at identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks. This immersive training approach ensures that individuals are better prepared to handle real-world incidents, reducing response times and minimizing the impact of security breaches.

Final Thoughts on Using RPGs for Red Teaming

In an era where organizations face ever-evolving threats, it is crucial to embrace innovative approaches to fortify their defenses. Roleplaying games offer a unique and valuable avenue for conducting red-teaming exercises in businesses. By providing enhanced realism and engagement, fostering creativity and diverse perspectives, and enabling skill development and training, RPGs prove to be an effective tool for identifying vulnerabilities and improving defensive strategies. As businesses strive to stay one step ahead of adversaries, harnessing the power of RPGs in red-teaming exercises becomes an essential component of their risk management arsenal. In conclusion, embracing the immersive and transformative nature of RPGs lets you unlock strategic insights and fortify your organization against potential threats.

How might you use a red teaming RPG to enhance your business?