Survive the Sinking Submarine: Ultimate Hell Week Scenario

My last post explored using roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons to create a Hell Week scenario experience for your staff. With the aim of creating a bonding experience for teams, leaders and new starters. In this post I aim to develop a scenario/event that you could use to create this type of experience.

Event Goals

Before we start, it is essential to understand the goals of the event and work out from there. This event is designed to be run for groups of new leaders in an organization. These are high performing individuals tipped for future leadership positions or newly promoted into one.

The goal of the event is to foster a sense of team and belonging amongst the future leadership of the business. This will achieved through overcoming shared adversity.

Overview of the Hell Week Scenario

In an effort to keep the hell week scenario outside of the lived experience of the cohort but allowing for high pressure the scenario will focus on escaping from a submarine. Participants will be allocated different roles/skillsets and work together to escape. A series of tasks requiring multiple skillsets will need to be prioritized and completed against time pressures. Additionally, surprise events throughout the scenario will add additional pressure, upsetting any planning. Adaptability and teamwork will be essential in beating the scenario.

In addition, each participant will have six endurance points that are lost if tasks are failed. They can also be traded in to help improve the likelihood of success. However, when the last point is lost the player is out of the scenario.

The player briefing might look something like the following:

Congratulations on joining our team! We believe in hands-on training to prepare you for real-world challenges ahead. In this immersive training scenario, you will find yourself a crew member of a sinking research submarine. Your mission is to work together to overcome a series of challenges and escape before it’s too late. Remember, teamwork, communication, and quick thinking are essential. Good luck!

Duration: 2 hours

Location: Office setting or conference center. Smaller rooms preferred.

Lighting and sound effects can really enhance the immersion

Required Props and Setup to Enhance Immersion

As discussed in my last post immersion is really important. Of course, you don’t need a full on mock up of a submarine. But there are some simple things you can do to help create a sense of place out with the normal office environment.

  1. Submarine Environment: Create a makeshift submarine environment by shifting tables and chairs into a series of spaces along a thin column Alternatively, set up in a corridor to give an improved sense of the enclosed space. Additionally, turn off overhead lights and use desk lights with blue/green lighting gels to mimic the underwater setting. Having a red alarm light will definitely add to the sense of urgency when it goes off.
  2. Sound Effects: Use a portable speaker to play submarine sounds, alarms, and underwater noises. This can be used as a timed track signaling surprise events and highlighting the sense of urgency.
  3. Props:
    • Flashlights
    • Walkie-talkies or two-way radios
    • Gauges to indicate hull integrity and oxygen levels
    • Life vests
    • Clipboards with task instructions
    • Stopwatch
    • Nautical maps and charts
    • First-aid kit
    • Ropes and carabiners
    • Puzzles or challenges related to navigation and communication
  4. Instructor/Facilitator: You will need someone to facilitate the scenario and provide guidance when necessary.
Keeping to schedule is key in running an event like this

Training Scenario Schedule

Below is a proposed schedule of the hell week scenario.

  1. Briefing (15 minutes):
    • Gather all participants and explain the scenario.
    • Emphasize the importance of teamwork, quick decision-making, and effective communication.
    • Assign roles to each participant (e.g., captain, engineer, navigator, medic, radio operator etc) and distribute their respective skills and tasks.
  2. Submersion and Initial Challenges (20 minutes):
    • Participants enter the makeshift submarine (clearly demarcated).
    • Turn on the sound effects to create an immersive atmosphere.
    • The submarine begins “sinking.” Water and pressure-related challenges arise.
    • Participants must address immediate issues like water leakage, pressure indicators, and stabilizing the vessel. Limited resources, must prioritize tasks.
  3. Navigation and Communication (20 minutes):
    • Provide a nautical map with coordinates.
    • Participants must collaborate to determine their location and chart a course to safety.
    • Encourage the use of walkie-talkies for communication between navigation and the steering team.
  4. Obstacle Challenge (15 minutes):
    • Present a challenge that requires participants to work together to overcome an obstacle (e.g., blocked hatch or damaged equipment).
    • They must use ropes, carabiners, and problem-solving skills to succeed.
  5. Medical Emergency (10 minutes):
    • Simulate a crew member’s injury.
    • The medic must provide first aid while others maintain the vessel and continue with the mission.
  6. Countdown to Escape (20 minutes):
    • Introduce a time constraint and associated red lights and klaxon.
    • Announce that the submarine’s condition is deteriorating rapidly.
    • Participants must complete their tasks and navigate to the surface before it’s too late.
  7. Debriefing (20 minutes):
    • After the scenario, gather the team and discuss their experiences.
    • Encourage feedback, focusing on what went well and what could be improved.
    • Highlight the importance of adaptability, teamwork, and problem-solving under pressure.
  8. Final Remarks (10 minutes):
    • Conclude the training with a reminder of key takeaways.
    • Reiterate the importance of quick thinking, clear communication, and collaboration in real-life situations.

Further Work

While I have listed each of the tasks above in a linear series, it would be better to have tasks overlapping. Teams must then prioritize tasks. Remember, failed tasks remove endurance points from participants, adding additional pressure. Endurance points can also be traded for clues and assistance.

Perhaps you can restrict the number of people in each section of the submarine and create time penalties for movement between the sections. This would emphasize the use of walkie talkies for communication. It would also highlight the need for clear and concise communication between different sections of the submarine.

Each task needs more work around the detail, but I think this gives the picture of how an event like this might work. I for one would love to experience it. Part escape room, part rpg, part leadership learning experience. For me it ticks all the boxes.

What do you think? Would this hell week scenario work? Is there anything you would add? Have you attended something similar?

Hell Week! Use Games to Create High Performing Teams

In leadership development, creating cohesive teams and fostering a sense of shared experience is vital. One unconventional yet effective approach is to draw inspiration from the intense special forces training programs, such as the SAS or the Navy SEALs’ Hell Week. By using roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), we can provide a unique and immersive environment for future leaders to bond, develop teamwork skills, and earn their place within the team. This post explores how RPGs can replicate the essence of a Hell Week, offering a challenging and rewarding experience that builds resilience, camaraderie, and a sense of accomplishment. But, without the physical demands or shouting…

The Power of Immersive Experiences

Roleplaying games provide a powerful platform for creating immersive experiences. Through the vivid storytelling, players can step into the shoes of characters facing formidable challenges. Just like the aspiring Navy SEALs during Hell Week. By setting the stage with a compelling narrative and challenging quests, RPGs enable participants to engage deeply and emotionally. In turn, fostering a sense of shared struggle and accomplishment.

There needs to be difficult odds, time pressure an engaging story forcing quick decision making. The pacing must be fast and action packed with some downtime to let the participants catch their breath.

The location is also important, props, reduced lighting, atmospheric music and other sound effects can really help create that feeling of immersion. Ultimately, immersion will make sure that this event will be remembered for a long time to come.

Experiences like these can really solidify a sense of team

Teamwork and Cooperation

In both Hell Week and RPGs, teamwork and cooperation are essential for success. In replicating the intensity of Hell Week, players must rely on one another’s strengths, communicate effectively, and make collective decisions. Each participant has a unique role to play, just like in a SEAL team. As such, they must learn to trust and support each other to overcome the obstacles they face. This shared experience builds strong bonds and encourages participants to view their colleagues as indispensable teammates.

When designing this type of event it must be impossible to complete the tasks alone. Rather coordinated effort, where communication, teamwork and leadership come to the fore.

Embracing Challenges and Resilience

Hell Weeks are characterized by their demanding nature and the need for resilience. Without it you will not make it. In the gaming world, players encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and adversaries that require strategic thinking, adaptability, and determination to overcome. Rather than focusing on endurance, mental resilience should be challenged. Despite their obviously physical demands, Hell Week also challenges aspiring SEALs mentally, and emotionally.

By replicating these challenges within an RPG setting, participants can experience a similar sense of perseverance, pushing their limits, and developing a resilient mindset that will serve them well as future leaders.

Overcoming adversity together creates a real sense of accomplishment

Accomplishment and Validation

One of the most rewarding aspects of Hell Week is the feeling of accomplishment and validation that comes with completing it. Similarly, an RPG designed around this concept can provide participants with a tangible sense of achievement. By setting clear goals, tracking progress, and acknowledging milestones, participants can feel a genuine sense of pride and validation when they successfully navigate the challenges presented within the game. This sense of earned accomplishment enhances their self-confidence and strengthens their belief in their abilities as leaders.

Final Thoughts

Of course, we can never replicate the Navy SEAL Hell Week. This is a process that has been refined over years, unique to the physical and mental demands of a very specialist job. However, aspiring towards a Hell Week-like experience using roleplaying games offers a unique and effective way to foster teamwork. As well as building resilience, and creating a shared sense of accomplishment among future leaders. By immersing participants in a challenging and immersive RPG campaign or event, we can provide them with the opportunity to overcome obstacles, rely on their teammates, and earn their place in the team. Through this experience, they develop essential leadership skills, forge lasting bonds, and emerge as stronger, more confident leaders ready to take on real-world challenges.

Imagine your tight knit team in five years time, reminiscing about their “Hell Week” experience and welcoming new staff members going through the same experience. A powerful vision.

In my next post I will look at creating an example scenario to show how these aspirations could be applied to a real world experience.

Have you ever experienced an event where your team and staff were a more cohesive group afterwards?