Mystery Solved: What is Dungeons and Dragons at Work all about?

Welcome to my blog. What is this all about? D&D at work? I’ve been playing roleplaying games since the 80’s and love the freeform storytelling that results. There is real joy to be found sitting round a table with your friends rolling dice and creating adventure. Over time I’ve found that the skills I practice, running and playing these games port well into the real world.

I have a love of leadership and all things business. Working across small to multinational businesses, I see the same issues with leadership training across the board. It cant give you the experiences you need to improve. Resulting in me thinking about how to meld the roleplaying experience of D&D into a growth experience for individuals and teams. I believe D&D at work can be used to practice leadership skills, give teams cohesion and experience high pressure in a safe environment.

Using D&D at Work

Our memory treats roleplaying experiences as being real. Giving us the perfect learning tool, where failure is acceptable. Recently, a number of practices have appeared using D&D as a tool to help with mental health issues. Therefore, it seems logical to use the same toolkit to develop leadership skills. Of course, teamwork is also a key part of the D&D experience. Why not use the game to foster this for new and existing teams? Having an experience of shared adversity, albeit in a game, could really foster team cohesion.

With roleplaying games entering a golden age, now is the perfect time to start exploring these concepts. Of course I am not the first person to be thinking along these lines as this recent article from ABC news attests. But I have been thinking about this for a long time and want to start documenting my ideas.

I hope you join me on this journey of exploration. Looking at the potential of using the magic of D&D at work to develop and foster teams and future leaders.

D&D at work